College Rep Visits

These informal sessions address high school seniors and juniors. If a sophomore knows they are particularly interested in a specific university, they may also attend.

Sign-up and passes to attend these sessions are in the counselor/registrar center in the 1200 bldg. Passes must be picked up prior to the day of the session; NO passes will be given the day of the session.

Location of college visits is subject to change, based on availability.




College Visit Opportunities

February 20 University of Texas at Arlington
February 26 Texas A&M at Corpus Christi
February 26 Salon Professional Academy
March 3 Marine Information Session
March 4 UT Presentation to the top 10% of juniors and accepted seniors for fall 2015
March 4 A&M Presentation to the top 10%
March 12 A&M Corps of Cadets Information Session
March 26 Bradley University lunch time visit
March 26 University of Arkansas
March 26 Texas State University