I turned in my application, but I haven’t heard anything yet. How do I find out the status of my application?
Applications are being reviewed as quickly as possible. If you are currently in a RRISD high school, your counselor and/or administrator may have access to the Success database to see the status of your application. If you are not currently enrolled in a school, you may call to see if your application has been received and reviewed.
An additional note: Success High School is a school of choice, and not every applicant can be accepted for enrollment. We recommend that you work with your school counselor to select the best schedule of courses that your high school has to offer you.
Are the classes at Success easier than the classes in my high school?
No. Students enrolled at Success receive TEKS based instruction and a curriculum aligned with RRISD expectations. Students are expected to demonstrate 70% mastery of all course concepts.
Students who are self-motivated are often able to accelerate their learning in this setting because many of the distractions that occur in the traditional classroom do not exist in the Success classroom.
Students move at a pace appropriate for them, not at the pace appropriate for the “average” student in a class. The keys to success are the ability to work independently and to focus on instruction.
How do I get a transcript?
The Success registrar is able to provide unofficial transcripts when needed; however, if a student’s home campus is RRISD high school, the final official transcript will be generated there.
How do I find out how my child is doing in classes at Success?
Because all work is self-paced, students will be receiving credits and grades at different times during the semester. Teachers will send home a progress report every 6 weeks. Parents may also contact a student’s teachers directly. Each student also has a staff advisor who may be contacted to discuss any concerns that may arise.
Will I receive a regular high school diploma?
Students earn an official state of Texas High School Diploma under either the minimum, recommended, or distinguished plans. The official diploma is issued from the home campus. For further information contact the home campus registrar.